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In case of Import/Export of Services/Technology, IEC is only required in Particular Services/ Particular Technology. Call us for inquiry at 7249999620
IE Code application must be made to the Directorate General of Foreign Trade along with the necessary supporting documents. Once, the application is submitted, DGFT will issue the IE Code for the entity in 10 working days or less.
All Importers require IEC who want to import goods into India. The IE Code must be quoted while clearing customs. Also, banks require the importers IE Code while transferring money to the importing country.
All Exporters require IEC who want to export goods outside India. The IE Code must be quoted while sending through customs. Also, banks require the exporters IE Code while receiving money from the foreign country.
IEC may be a once in an exceedingly lifetime requirement. Therefore, if it's obtained once, then no more renewal is required. So once a IE Code is obtained, it is employed by that entity for all its import or export transactions
IE Code does'nt require the filing of any return. Once, an IE Code is issued there are'nt any further procedures required to keep up validity of the IE Code.
Adhar Card
Pan Card
Bank Statements
Partnership Deed
Address Proof
Email id & Mobile No.
Address Proof
Passport Size Photo
Yes No
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